Monday, September 30, 2013

The man that enters his wife's dressing room is either a philosopher or a fool

Balzac, right? Its all about women's artifice, and the effort we put in to construct the facade each day. Yes, I'm talking about foundation undegarments. Well that and all the other stuff we do. I'm pretty open minded about a lot of things but I do not like having my significants see me shaving, plucking, polishing, clipping. I wonder why? Is it a vestige of that creation of artifice? I don't want spousy to know that I'm less than perfect? I think he knows it, but we continue to play along. The response that it's "disgusting" belies how deeply this idea has permeated our thinking.

In addition, I engage in the artifice and the result is what you see here. It takes quite a bit of attention to detail to acheive this level of mediocrity. So why bother? All the ladies I know undergo various levels of grooming, most more than I do, and most of us are only managing to keep our appearances just under the average curve. Seems like a lot of work for a ho-hum result. On the other hand I operate under the delusion that I am the Queen of Sheba as I apply my Jergen's. Maybe that's what its about. Self-soothing behaviour.

Anyway here is September.

And here was my scarf trouble this morning:
You can probably tell by my expression which one I went with. I am a trained biologist after all and nothing warms my heart like frogs, bugs, critters and pretty flowers.

brightly colored


1 comment:

  1. Definitely bugs.

    Key phrase: "under the average curve". I humbly submit that your (plural) idea of the average curve, and the actual average curve are significantly disparate. Yours is probably closer to the average curve for pubescent adolescents.
