Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Time for a whole new wardrole

As I sat listening to my colleagues today during lunch, I noticed that these pants have accumulated, over the years, and entire lapful of little grease stains. These are the kind of faded grease stains that are difficult to notice on old, heavily washed pants that are faded and starting to just so slightly felt up. Apparently I drop a lot of food on my lap and the stains don't completely wash out. Now I am covered in them. So if the apocalypse comes, I'll be able to cut these pants up into little squares and live off them as food until rescue comes or the Earth evolves through another geologic age.

I am still adhering to the novel pants/shirt combinations as I sit here in these filthy green skinny cargo trousers and black silk shirt. With an elegant blue "Abbott" polyester fleece jacket thrown over the top for warmth. I will upload the excel database at the end of the month. Its getting to be time to add some new shirts because 1. it's supposed to eventually start to warm up and 2. I'm facing down some unappealing combinations unless I refresh the shirt inventory.

Or I could buy an entire new wardrobe and put all these crappy clothes through the shredder. Or a woodchipper. I like the woodchipper idea.

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