Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Crabby old ladies post

"This is so wrong in so many ways:
1. Geek Chic glasses make you look youthful, playful and current.
2. Big necklaces make you look old. Period. Ever seen a youngster in a big chunky necklace?
3. Earth tones? Nothing says 1970 like earth tones. Bright colors look good but they have to be the right bright colors for your skin tone.
4. Long skirts are in style and comfy so shut up. Mid-calf does look frumpy because it's simply out of style right now.
5. Hide your neck with a turtleneck? Go right ahead. Just don't wear a big necklace to hide your neck. We can SEE it, OK?
6. Everyone looks bad in a poorly fitted jacket, and in clingy jersey knit. Doesn't make you look old, just poorly dressed and we should know better by now.
7. Shapewear for every day? Your clothes should fit, your undies shouldn't be too tight, and therefore you shouldn't need everyday shapewear. Get serious!!
8. If you want to tie a pretty scarf around your neck go right ahead; it looks funky and retro-cute. Anything that says funky and retro-cute, in small doses, has the opposite effect from "aging" you. Scarf on your purse is weird. I only do that when I'm carrying one and it can't be avoided. Do avoid taking style tips from the French. because this is the US and you will look silly pretending to be French. If you're not French.
Nothing is more "aging" to a woman that trying too hard to look like you are avoiding looking "aged". My best advice is to filter current styles through your lens of experience, and apply decorum. Wear good clothes (including underwear) that fit well and don't create tucks and rolls.
You are a elder member of society and deserve respect. Shake that respectable thang!"

I got all riled up about that Yahoo post on what to wear to not "age" youself. That kind of crap gets me all excited. There is a lot of really bad advice to older ladies out there and not much that makes sense. The very best way to not "age" youself is to be connected to current events, to be happy and lively, and to have a positive attitude. You could be wearing a flower print sweatshirt and mom-jeans and not be "aged" with a sunny disposition and a happy outlook.

meanwhile, Here I am in black with big necklaces. Ha! LOL! OK my necklaces are not that big. But I am wearing geek-chic glasses!

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