Monday, July 8, 2013

8 July 2013

And here is what I wore to work.
Don't you love the shoes? Let me tell you about my trouble with shoes. I buy shoes that are comfortable in the store but give me blisters, bruises and that irritate the neuroma in my foot immediately after handing the clerk my credit card. I have so many pairs of cruel shoes. I always end up in these Dansko clogs whether they look good or not. So if you go Goodwill hunting in my neighborhood, you will find lots of pairs of size 8.5, barely worn shoes. Hope you enjoy them!


  1. Oooh, you and my F1 female would enjoy shopping for shoes together. She might need to raid your closet, though she is more 8 than 8.5...

  2. She will have to fight with my XX F1. But I think they could come to an agreement. There are LOTS of shoes to try.
