Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mutton dressed as lamb

The problem is that for most of my life I was lamb. Now I find myself as mutton and I have no experience dressing mutton.

The chronic problem of getting older and trying to look modern and decorous without dressing too young or too frumpy. The line is so fine that I'm not sure it exists. I'm having a hard time finding a roll model: my mom dresses ADB from Walmart, Diane Keaton is afraid of her body and Vivienne Westwood is insane. Hilary Clinton is the poster child for Frump. Vera Wang has the mutton/lamb dichotomy. Helen Mirren? No data. Not many older lady role models out there. Susan Sarandon? Her best accessory is a younger man. I can't afford one of those.

Let me know if you come up with a good role model for a middle aged woman who dresses well. I'm dying to know.

1 comment:

  1. You are right about the mutton/lamb dichotomy, but wrong about the age cutoff. I would argue that most of the popular female fashion trends are designed to look best on the Western ideal female body, age 14, just budding, not yet in full bloom. That is lamb. Once you have stopped growing and popped out a baby, your fashion should reflect your adulthood: don't show off your connective tissue, accentuate your skeleton: shoulders, collar bones, lower legs.
