Monday, December 9, 2013

Holy crap when will this ever end?

November done; off into the last month of this.
Confession: I bought a shirt and a pair of pants off of Gilt. They were 40% off. How could I resist??? I will not wear them until next month except to try them on. Might have to go back: mail order pants are always a problem. So I am still in line with the letter, if not the spirit, of my new years resolution.
Speaking of pants I went to the doctor for the annual check up and have officially gained 10 lbs. Do you feel me? 10 pounds! That's why I have retired the blue jeans and the brown cords. It is unsee,ly for an old bag such as I to be toddling around with Camel Hooves. So I went into the depths of my closet and drew forth a pair of Eli Tahari dress pants. Straight leg dark brown wool. Very seemly.
I also pulled out some shirts. All of this stuff is from the closet. Now you know, dear reader, that I have much too much stuff in my closet.

I am really looking forward to throwing this worn out stuff away and refreshing my sad closet. I no longer feel that I haven't gotten my money's worth out of these items. I have gotten that and more.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe my New Years resolution will be to go through the closet and get rid of stuff older than 20 years. Well some of it. Pendleton wools are classic. Oh, and lose 10 lbs, gotta do that too. Did I mention exercise?
