Monday, March 18, 2013

I've been busy! Sheesh!

Guys, seriously. This blog is the lowest of low priorities. And yes, I am still at it. In fact today I am wearing a dubious combination of brightly patterned Tucker tunic and teal skinny pants. I must say that getting dressed in the morning is a weight off my mind: I check the database for allowable combinations and go with it. Its interesting how freeing it is to not stand in front of my closet wailing about the quality/quantity of things that I want to wear. This suggests that selecting clothing is a larger issue for me than I admited to myself before. An interesting new insight from this experiment. Also of interest is the discovery that the clothes that have survived in my closet are the ones that define me the best: the "real" me if you will rather than the person I am always trying to emulate. We women are pretty silly; we think that a new pair of shoes will transform us into the Queen of Sheba, or a new dress will suddenly make us glamorous and alluring. OK maybe that is just me but I doubt it. Otherwise, would Norstroms ever sell the ridiculous shoes that you never seeing anyone wear out in public? On the other side of that is the reaction I get from putting on my favorite silly beaded sandals: my daughter reports that she heard me once squealing "Mi gusta!" in my bedroom and she knew exactly what I was doing...I was slipping my green beaded shiny heeled sandals on and getting ready to prance to Safeway in them. So I guess in the end a pair of shoes may not be able to transform you but they can certainly impact your mood in a positive way. Same with clothes I guess.

Meanwhile, I am reading the biography of Dana Andrews. Life must have been that much more interesting before computers/TV/internet/video games. People filled their time doing things back in the 30s and 40s. I think they also spent a lot more time together socializing. Sounds great.

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