Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The New Year resolution

So I recently moved. This involved schlepping wardrobe box after wardrobe box of my crappy raiments from one location to another. I whined to my friend Marjorie "I have enough clothing to never wear the same thing twice all year" and thus the challenge was born.
Some approximations: 52 weeks in a year and 5 days a week at work is 260 unique work outfits. I decided that I do not have enough bathrobes to wear a unique one every day all day on Sundays. With a good handful of pants and skirts, I will need 20 to 30 tops. This started to seem very doable.  We decided that sweatshirts would be out (weekend wear), and sweaters/cardigans will be able to be worn multiple times due to the winter-like conditions of my workplace. Marjorie suggested I take pictures and blog this adventure because she is sure that there will be some pretty wild combinations towards the end of the year. If I keep this up that long. Formal presentations requiring appropriate dress don't count.

Ok so here we go:
Pants: 10 pairs of everyday "office casual" pants
Skirts: 3 skirts; long, midi and mini

I need 20 unique shirts. Let me go count.....

An immediate problem: wool turtlenecks. Hmm.

Ok about 40 shirts. Plus a couple of wool turtlenecks. I reserve the right to wear the turtlenecks in heavy rotation in the winter so I will not have to wear them in the summer.

Also, one of my pairs of blue jeans went through the dryer, and I am "growing out" of a pair of brown cords. I may simply remove these two which will necessitate adding additional shirts to the rotation (yes, there are more) or I will substitute a dress (there are a handful of them) for a given pant combination.

I will keep track manually for now, but will create an excel sheet when I start to get confused.

Here is what I wore today:

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